
Minitab is a data analysis and graphical data presentation product. It can perform a variety of data analysis and presentation functions, including statistical analyses and graphical presentation of data. With a simple command-line interface, Minitab supports standard vector and matrix algebraic data input and manipulation, making it a useful statistical training tool. Minitab is a named subscription license that you access from Minitab’s cloud platform. To access the cloud portal, you must request a Minitab account (see section, “How do I obtain a Minitab License to login to the Minitab cloud portal to access the software?”).

Who is eligible for a license subscription to UVA’s Academic Enterprise License?

  • Students who are actively enrolled and pursuing a degree.
  • Faculty utilizing the software for academic instruction only. (It should not be used for research or as an independent tool).

Current Minitab availability

  • Minitab is only available through a subscription named license which is accessed directly through Minitab’s online portal. Minitab is for use by UVA faculty and students who use UVA-owned or personally owned computers while on- or off-Grounds. Minitab subscriptions run from the beginning of August through the end of July. Student subscriptions are valid from the time the account is created until the end of July. If a student needs to renew Minitab after their license has expired, they will need to request a subscription license again through ServiceNow. Faculty licenses will not expire once they are created.

How do I obtain a Minitab License to login to the Minitab cloud portal to access the software?

Faculty and students will enter a ServiceNow Minitab Access request to create a Minitab account for which will be used to login to Minitab’s website portal to access the software. Follow these steps to create a request for an account:

  1. Request a Minitab account by going to ServiceNow:
  2. Select View Service Request Forms under Submit a Service Request.
  3. You will be asked to login to Netbadge using your UVA user id and password.
  4. Select Software & Teaching.
  5. Select Minitab for Faculty and Students.
  6. Select your UVA role (Faculty or Student).
  7. Click Choose Options
  8. Check the “Please acknowledge the terms of use stated above”
  9. Enter the course name and number along with the term and year of the course that you will be using Minitab for.
  10. Click Checkout.
  11. You will be taken to the Choose Options screen. From there you can make changes to your request if needed.
  12. Click Checkout
  13. You will receive a Request Number and Order Placed Date to confirm your request has been submitted.

Fulfillment process:

  • Minitab will email you when your license for Minitab has been created, this can take up to 2 hours. The email will provide a link to access your Minitab cloud app account.
  • You will use your UVA user ID and password to login through SSO and Netbadge.
  • If you don’t have access to Minitab after 2 hours, please email

How do faculty or staff researchers get a Minitab license to use for doing research that is not utilizing an academic course?

 Purchase a Minitab research subscription directly from Minitab by contacting Nicole DeFazio by emailing her at She will provide pricing and purchasing options.

When you reach out to Minitab, Minitab will need an email address to create your research subscription. Please use either your or a personal email address. Do not use your email address because the academic enterprise license is associated with that domain which would prevent you from accessing you purchased subscription license if you use

How do I access Minitab once my account has been created through the ServiceNow access request?

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your UVA email address (
  3. Click Next
  4. Select Single Sign On
  5. Login to NetBadge with your UVA computing ID and password
  6. Click Log In
  7. Download the desktop app or open the software using the web app.

 Minitab installation instructions

You must have administrator privileges on your Windows computer in order to install Minitab. Run the downloaded program to begin the setup process and follow the prompts.

Questions? Email

Last updated: 02/19/25