The Cross-National Time-Series Data Archive provides more than 200 years of annual data from 1815 onward for over 200 countries. It consists of 196 data variables used by academia, government, finance and media.
Categories of Data include:
- Area data
- Computer Usage data
- Domestic Conflict Event data
- Economic data
- Electoral data
- Energy data
- Highway Vehicle data
- Identification data
- Industrial and Labor Force data
- Industrial Production data
- International Status Indicators data
- Legislative Process data
- Mail data
- Media data
- Military data
- National Government Revenue and Expenditure data
- Phone data
- Physician data
- Political data
- Population data
- Railroad data
- School Enrollment data
- Telegraph data
- Trade data
- Urbanization data
Learn more about the coverage categories a the CNTS website.
Restrictions: “Users of the CNTS data and documentation must be currently enrolled or associated with the licensee institution, and may not take the files with them when they leave the institution. Users may not remove or alter the copyright notice on any copy of the CNTS data or documentation. Users may not rent, lease, sell or transfer any rights to use the CNTS data or documentation.”
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