Erich Purpur

This post is something I’ve been thinking about writing for a while. I was inspired to write it by my own trials and tribulations, which are still ongoing, while working with the QGIS API, trying to programmatically do stuff in QGIS instead of relying on available widgets and plugins. I have spent, and will probably continue to spend, many hours scouring the internet and especially Stack Overflow looking for answers of how to use various classes, methods, attributes, etc.

I've been struggling off and on for literally months trying to create and export a print layout using Python for QGIS 3. Or PyQGIS 3 for short. I have finally figured out may of the ins and outs of the process and hopefully this will serve as a guide to save someone else a lot of effort and time.

I was recently working on a project in QGIS 3 with a member of UVA Health's Oncology department. This person wanted to take a set of patient data (after identifying info had been removed) and after doing some other stuff, apply a graduated color scheme to the results, shading them from light to dark based on intensity.

You can find a sample dataset for this project here:

Recently, I have taken the dive into python scripting in QGIS. QGIS is a really nice open source (and free!) alternative to ESRI's ArcGIS. While QGIS is a little quirky and generally not quite as user friendly as ArcGIS, it still provides nearly the same functionality. Personally, I've become a fan of it and now have even taught a short, 1 credit course in the University of Virginia's Batten School of Public Policy titled: GIS for Public Policy.